Perfect Chocolate Chip Cookie Challenge from America’s Test Kitchen for Boston Bloggers

America’s Test Kitchen is famous for its “Perfect Chocolate Chip Cookie” recipe.  The Test Kitchen has challenged Boston Bloggers (and since I’m new to the Boston scene…) to test their recipe.

This was indeed a challenge for me.  In the past, I have really struggled with making great chocolate chip cookies – I know, how embarrassing.  But true.  I have been known (around our house) to burn the bottoms while the tops are still gooey, or to make them too big so they never get cooked evenly.   Funny how those posts never make it to the blog… 

I don’t know what my problem is.  Beef Bourguignon?  Child’s play.  Homemade ravioli?  Sugar cookies?  Perfectly seared sea scallops?  A sinch.  Chocolate Chip cookies?  A disaster.  To make matters worse, there is nothing Mike likes more than a ‘chewy, crunch, perfect chocolate chip cookie.”  Ugh.

But these cookies, these cookies turned out beautifully.  Really.

The secret?  The recipe uses browned butter (vs. softened butter) that gives a sophisticated toffee flavor, crunchy brown edges and a chewy middle.  This is a great example of what America’s Test Kitchen is all about – they approach cooking in a scientific, precise manner that produces recipes that work, every single time. I know Mike will be thrilled when he gets home – thrilled and shocked. For the complete recipe visit : America’s Test Kitchen’s “Perfect Chocolate Chip Cookies” Recipe

Begin by whisking together the dry ingredients.

 In a saute pan, melt 10 tablespoons of butter.  Cook it on medium heat until it has become brown and has a nutty aroma.

 Transfer the browned butter to a large bowl.  Stir in 4 tablespoons of butter.

Stir until butter has melted.

 Add sugar.

 Add dark brown sugar.

Add vanilla.  

 Stir until smooth.

 Add egg and egg yolk.

 Whisk until smooth.  The mixture is reminiscent of caramel – really tempting to sample! Let the mixture set for 3 minutes, then whisk for 30 seconds.   Repeat this twice until the mixture is shiny.

 Add in dry ingredients, stir until just combined.

Fold in chocolate chips (I used chunks).

Scoop cookies out onto a parchment lined baking sheet*. *I’ve switched to using pre-cut parchment sheets that fit perfectly in a sheet pan… they are a dream.  They are non-stick and you can just throw them away after you use them.  I use them for everything – cookies, roasting vegetables, meatballs, etc.  I’m stocking them in my store as one of my favorite “essentials” – 200 sheets for $12… which should be a year supply.  Bake one sheet at a time for 10-12 minutes.

Admire, then transfer to a wire cooling rack.  Pour a glass of milk and wait patiently… or not.
