Freezing Sugar Cookies – Per Your Request

Last week when I posted about the Easter Sugar Cookies I had made in advance, then planned to freeze until Easter, my inbox was flooded with questions about how I freeze cookies.  My method is fairly simple.

I put a rigid piece of paper or board (here I used two white paper lunch sacks side by side…) in a freezer bag.  The support ensures that the cookies will lay flat.  Then, I put the cookies on top of the paper and zip up the bag, trying to get out as much air as possible. Then I stack them and place them in a flat box in the freezer.  To defrost, I just let them sit at room temperature for a couple of hours. Does anyone else have any good freezer tips for cookies?  I’ve never run into any problems like cracking icing as others described. To see how I created these cookies and for decorating tips, visit the original Easter Sugar Cookie post.
