Herb Grilled Steaks | Our Favorite Summer Menu

About once a week I crave a really nice steak with a big glass of red wine.  So indulgent and delicious.  In the summer, I love to make use of our fresh herbs and add a seasonal flare to the steaks.  Fresh thyme and rosemary go so nicely with beef.  I finish them with a little pat of butter as the steaks rest when they come off of the grill.  The butter mixes with the herbs on the steak and makes its own little sauce as you slice it.  Yum.

These are ribeyes.  They had a bit of fat on them so they flared up a bit when the fat started melting into the fire.  For entertaining, I like to use leaner cuts like filets because they are easier to eat – no trimming necessary.  It is also nice not to have to throw a glass of water on the grill when guests are around.

Get all of the recipes and details from this menu, here.

Herb Grilled  Steaks Steaks (ribeye, filets, strips) Fresh Rosemary Fresh Thyme Garlic Salt Sea Salt Butter Light grill 10 minutes before grilling.  Mince fresh herbs.  Generously salt both sides of the steaks with sea salt and garlic salt.  Rub both sides with fresh herbs. Grill over a hot grill about 6 minutes on each side.  Larger or thicker steaks might take longer, and thinner might take much less.  I like to buy steaks that are at least 1 1/2″ thick. Take meat temperature in the center of the steak. Medium Rare = 125 degrees Medium = 135 degrees Well Done = 140-145 Remove from grill and top each with 1/2 tablespoon of butter and cover with foil and let rest for 5-8 minutes.

This was one of the best meals we’ve had all season.  I can’t wait to make it again. Get all of the recipes and details from this menu, here.
