Block Print Face Masks

Update: Our masks are now being offered free with every $50 spent! They will automatically be sent with your order. If you spend $100, you will get two masks, $150 = 3, etc… Shop >

Never in a million years did I think I’d be including face masks in my collection of essentials. None-the-less, here we are. If we are going to be wearing them, they might as well be cute, right?

And if you want to go over-the-top you should probably match your tea towels and pillows while you’re at it.

Going to the grocery store has turned into a huge even that takes hours. I’ve been trying to go only every two weeks to stay safe. When I went earlier this week, I loaded my cart to the brim, checked everything off of my list, did the self-checkout (which took about 20 minutes), then realized I forgot my credit card. It was excruciating. I had to go home and find it, then go back and re-check everything out again.

I have found that being organized when I go helps (or at least feeling organized… and remembering $$$). These Tote Bags hold a lot and the Market Tablets helps me plan my trip by department.
