Fiddlehead Omelet

A couple of years ago, I remember watching an episode of The Martha Stewart show on which she was giddy with excitement to be preparing some of her favorite recipes with Fiddleheads.  Huh?


These New England delicacies are unfurled ferns that are harvested in the Spring for a brief amount of time- just as they’ve sprung from the ground, but before they’ve unraveled themselves into full ferns.  This certain type of fern is also indigenous in France… I guess they are fans the damp, dreary climates.  They are not farmed, but picked and gathered from nature.  In my mind, I’m equating them to the Morels back home… although they taste more like asparagus than a wild mushroom. 

With an effort to embrace all thing New England, I snatched some of these up at Verrill Farm this weekend.  I wasn’t quite sure what to do with them, so like all mysterious things, I threw it in an omelet.

Are you a fan of the fiddlehead?  Share your recipes with me… there are a couple more days of fiddlehead season left!
