Hydrangea Table Setting | Bliss Blue, Privet Berry Blue & Seaside

Last week I set a table to coordinate with the Blue Hydrangea Cupcakes I posted yesterday (complete with new how-to video…). I love mixing and matching with all of the colors in my collection.  I used my Powder Blue Anna Wheatherly gold rimmed china plates (they match the Bliss Blue Color Collection in my store) because I think the pale blue looks so great with the purple and deep blues of the late summer hydrangea that seem to be everywhere in our neighborhood – except my house.  I “borrowed” them from my neighbor – with permission, of course. I had a hard time deciding which candles to use to compliment the flowers… Left to Right : Mom’s Hydrangea Seaside Privet Berry Blue

I ended up with the Privet Berry Blue.  I thought they looked great with the cupcakes I created, as they were a deeper blue.  They “Mom’s Hydrangea” color was almost too close of an exact match with the actual hydrangeas, and I thought the Seaside was a little too bright. 

The True Navy Blue was such a nice compliment to the light blue plates. The Hemstitch Napkins are embroidered in Seaside.

The here are the deep blue and purple “Hydrangea Cupcakes” I made featuring the fun Celebration Candles in Seaside. For detailed step-by-step instructions, click here.

Here is the Pin Strip!

Here is a little behind the scenes…

There is a new photographer in the family.  You’ll never guess what she was taking pictures of…

