My Organizing Plan | Tablets & LePens

Tomorrow (I would say today, but today is almost gone!) I’m going to work on re-organizing my home office desk/mudroom area.  The summer did a number on this area in our home and now with papers and artwork coming home everyday from school, the piles are getting out of control.  I’ll be creating designated areas for everything and utilizing all of these tablets & lepens.  Follow along my Instagram Stories to see the behind the scenes.

Organizing our Home

At the beginning of the school year, I always try to revamp our household systems.   I start my week by sitting down with my planner to get everything on the books.   To some, this might sound like an old-fashioned idea – a paper planner?  For me, I need to have something I can hold in my hand.  I want to be able to sit down with Mike on a Sunday evening and walk through our week.  Not only does it keep us organized, but it helps me to be able to see balance in our week.  I plan for casual dinners out (instead of cooking every night…), and it helps me see the space for fun and downtime. Now that Emma is in kindergarten, our fall schedule is starting to look a lot like, ballet on Mondays, soccer on Wednesday, meetings on Thursday, etc…  So, I am going to be working on having lots of really quick 20 minute meals to make when we get home at 5:30 and want to eat at 6.  I’m also going to focus on meals that we can pull out of the freezer – soups and pasta sauces are great for nights like these.   Weekly Planner Tablet, $14

Dinner Tablet, $14

Natural Cardstock, 50 page tablet  The “What’s For Dinner” question is always a struggle at our house.  I ask Mike what he wants, and he says give me some choices.  Usually I come up with 3-4 of the standards (pasta, steaks, grilled chicken…), but forget about some of our favorites.  Now, at the beginning of the week, we can sit down with this tablet.  

Not only will it help us to decide what to have, but it will help me balance the week’s meals – beef, fish, chicken, pasta.  All of these recipes can be found on my site, you can search here.

LePens, Sets of 4 & 12 *We’re offering sets of 4 again, due to popular demand ; ) Colors : Grey, Brown, Blue, or Black

Sometimes it is just the little things that can make those daily tasks a little more fun.  Sitting down to fill out your Weekly Schedule, or make your Grocery List is much more tempting with a full supply of beautiful LePens on your desk, right?

Many of you have become fans of LePens like me.  I keep a glass full of them on my desk at all times.  For three years, I’ve sold four of them in a set with my Tablet, but I know many of you would love to have a big supply, too.  Now, I’m offering them in a bundle of 4 and a box of 12 – perfect for getting organized as we begin a busy new season.

LePens have been my favorite for years.  They are thin and elegant, with a tiny felt tip.  I can hardly write with anything else.

Grocery List Tablet, $8 After I make the dinner plan, I make a grocery list. In one of the Barefoot Contessa’s cookbooks, she showed her custom printed grocery shopping lists.  I always thought what a great idea that is, but never found a source… so, of course, I made one  : )

Daily Living Tablet, $8 I’m keeping this tablet on my bedside.  While the Weekly Planner is more about logistics and scheduling, I want my priorities to have a space, too.  At the end of the day, I like to think about what I really want out of the next day, what my goals are.  So, I let the weekly planner do its job and keep me organized, but I let my Daily Living tablet to keep me prioritized.

Shop the entire collection of my Tablets & LePens in my store >
