White House Black Market & Lucky Magazine | Press

Have you seen the September edition of Lucky Magazine?  If you have, you may have noticed a familiar face…

Two other bloggers (Dallas Shaw & Christine Cameron) and I partnered with White House | Black Market and Lucky Magazine for a special promotional piece that is in Lucky’s September issue.  The piece features WHBM’s Fall line of black pants in all shapes and sizes.  I was in love with the Slim Ankle Pantthat I “modeled.” They reminded me of the classic cropped ankle pants that Mary Tyler Moore wore in the Dick Van Dyke Show – so very chic.  I use the word “modeled” in loosely, because my then 15-week-pregnant body felt anything but model-worthy… but, they did a great job of making me look like I still had a waistline!  Wait… have I not a announced that yet?  More baby news to come… nursery design, boy or girl?, planning and preparing!  But for now…  back to the magazine.

Black & White Cookies

Remember when I made the Black & White Cookies to send to the Lucky & WHBM crew?  Well they have a little treat for you… As part of their Fall campaign, Lucky Magazine and White House Black Market are hosting a contest for $1,000 shopping spree.  To enter, click here!

Christine Cameron | My Style Pill… visit her blog here!

Dallas Shaw | Dilly Dallas | visit her blog here!

Here are some Behind-the-Scenes photos of the shoot…

The hair and makeup crew had their work cut out for them.  I had come straight from Martha’s Vineyard for our family vacation… sun kissed burned, dry skin.

Much needed manicure…

Touching up my feet… I had taken a stumble at Starbucks earlier that week and there was a scrape on my foot.  But don’t you really like those pants?

Still having issues with the foot makeup…

Trying to suck in my 15-week-pregnant bloating…

Holding my breath – hairspray!

Thanks to everyone that helped with this project – it was great fun!
