Blackberry Peach Cobbler Cake

We have a prolific amount of blackberries around here.  My Dad’s blackberry bushes are in full swing and producing buckets and buckets of blackberries daily.   Lucky for us, Emma can eat buckets and buckets of blackberries each day – her favorite berries.  No doubt that her love started 3 years ago in this photo when we baked “Mrs. Ross’ Blackberry Cobbler” for Mike.  : )

This cobbler recipe has popped up on Insta a couple of times this summer as a favorite of many readers.  It is still one of our favorites, too, and I make it often with combinations of fruits and berries – whatever we have.   I also use an array of flavors to enhance the fruit, too.  Sometimes vanilla bean paste, sometimes almond extract.  It is a really flexible recipe that you keep in your back pocket and turn anything into a great dessert.

This time I used blackberries and peaches.

I chunked up the peaches (skin on!  I like the flavor of peach skin) into 1″ -ish pieces.

I forgot to take a photo with the melted butter in the bottom – but don’t skip that step!  It makes the edges caramelized and chewy.

You can see how the butter goes around the sides of the batter.  Yum.

I also forgot to take a photo before serving.  It was hot.  I was hungry.

We served it with vanilla ice cream in big latte cups.

Berry & Peach Cobbler Cake

1 stick butter

1 cup flour

1 cup sugar

2 teaspoon baking powder

1 cup milk

3-4 cups of fruit sweetened to taste

Melt butter until it starts to brown.

Pour half in baking dish.   I like to use a shallow pan like this tart/quiche pan. Place fruit on butter in baking in baking dish. Mix flour, sugar & baking powder with milk.   Pour over the rest of the melted butter.

Bake about 30 min @ 350 degrees.

Is there anything better than cooked blackberries with a buttery cake?
